Sea of Sin
Sea of Sin

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Just Jim & U-girl: Home Is Where the Spark Is (series)
Just Jim & U-girl: Home Is Where the Spark Is (series) : 04 - Separation - part 1

04 - Separation - part 1

  2020.04.25. 21:05

Note: This is the fourth part of the “Home Is Where the Spark Is” series. To understand better what’s going on, we recommend reading the previous entries. Enjoy!

Fandoms: Teen Wolf, Sterek

Characters/relationships: Stiles Stilinski/Derek Hale

Rating/category: R (explicit), supernatural, post-Teen Wolf, canon and non-canon elements, slash, M/M, Sterek, aged up characters, established friendship, Spark Stiles, Magic Stiles, Emissary Stiles, Emissary in training Stiles, detective Stiles, matured Stiles, Alpha Derek, bottom Derek, top Stiles, drama, epic romance, love, magic, fluff, smut, soulmates, Mate bond, Emissary bond, werewolves, humor, wit, sarcasm, Derek is Derek, Stiles is Stiles, miscommunication, werewolf lore, mysteries, near death state, high Derek

Summary: When Stiles has to go back to San Francisco, things take a darker turn, because freshly mated pairs aren’t supposed to stay apart so soon after establishing the bond.

Disclaimer: This is a product of our imagination and was written only for entertainment and fun. We don’t profit from this fanfiction and we mean no harm or disrespect against any real person, culture or custom that might appear in the story. All original pictures and fictional characters used in the story belong to their respective owners and credit goes to them.

Just Jim edit

Home Is Where the Spark Is
By Just Jim & Useless-girl

4: Separation – part 1

There was a strange kind of unsaid tension between them ever since Stiles asked Derek how newly mated wolves act. He still couldn’t place the surprised expression on the other man’s face. There was something he was missing. It was in Derek’s eyes. As if he blamed Stiles for not seeing it... And Stiles did blame himself. Especially from that disappointment he felt from the other man. Just thinking about it made his skin crawl and his stomach sink. He didn’t want to disappoint Derek. Not now that they finally got close. Not ever.

The dinner at Lydia’s was a few hours ago and the Stilinski house was quiet – well, except for the light snoring of his father from upstairs. But Stiles couldn’t sleep. He forced himself to stop with his research to let his body rest out the very eventful day. Each time he moved, he could feel it. Where Derek’s been... He was exhausted to the bone, but just couldn’t fall asleep. His mind was reeling too much for that. Replaying the whole day. Their conversation in the hall which ended up with them getting together. The shooting practice. The hot sex in the Camaro. The emissary bond (which he could feel even now while lying on the couch with tired eyes wide open). That strange one-sided conversation. He circled back to this latter the most times.

“This is ridiculous...” he mumbled to himself and struggled to his feet once the cover let his foot go. He stumbled only once more in the dark as he headed towards the staircase barefooted. He hesitated only at its bottom then climbed the stairs – avoiding the creaky spots. The young detective rubbed his hands in his Iron Man tee and boxers while standing in front of his bedroom door before scolding himself internally.

Stiles sneaked in as quietly as possible, closing the door behind him. Here goes nothing, he thought and zeroed in on the dark Triskele tattoo in the middle of the naked back which was towards the door. Like a magnet, it pulled Stiles in and in a few moments he found himself slipping in behind Derek under the cover.

He knew... he felt it... that Derek was awake too. He probably heard him coming the moment he got up from the couch... Gently sliding an arm around his middle, Stiles inhaled him and rubbed his cheek against said back.

“I’m sorry if I somehow hurt you with my question. I didn’t mean to,” Stiles murmured, unable to go to sleep without doing this. He didn’t imagine their first time in his bed like this, but he was already used to the fact that nothing was simple with the two of them.

Sleep's beyond his grasp, mostly because there's somebody downstairs wide awake and projecting it. Loudly. The wolf could hear every sigh, every grunt of discomfort whenever the human moved to try another position to get comfortable on the couch. He felt partly guilty about it, knowing he was the one who caused it, but it also made him feel ridiculously proud because he had carved out a space to himself inside, had claimed him. Honestly, Stiles should be conked out right now from pure exhaustion.

The dinner had been fine, Lydia had been curious about Stiles' life in San Francisco and they had talked about ‘before’ – about the people they all knew and where they were at now. Old friends catching up with a glass of wine and beer for Derek. The three of them had kept it light, hadn't talked about the difficulty of Beth's birth or the strain of her growing up so fast, it had been nice to mention forgotten names, share information about the ones they used to know, had been close to. Though Derek's contribution had been sort of sad. Malia had moved away to the college she had been accepted into and she had taken her distance from her cousin. It had been years since he had seen her or talked to her. Same with Peter, the older werewolf was off exploring the world, disappeared into the night. Derek had avoided talking about Jackson and he had lost touch with Ethan. Scott was the only one still slightly part of his life since recently. It had been Derek and Lydia since college life had started for the rest of them.

Blinking in the darkness of the room, he heaved a sigh of his own, rolling over to his other side when he heard the soft footfalls coming up the stairs, along with the frantic beating of a human heart. He made space without even thinking about it, knowing the human would slip in with him. They had shared a bed before, years ago, to sleep, only ever to sleep.

A cool rush of air hit his back when the sheets were lifted and a solid body settled behind him without hesitation, an arm slipping around his naked waist so the younger man could press as close as possible. Warm breath ghosted along his shoulders and Derek didn't bother turning around, Stiles knew he was awake.

"I know," he grumbled in answer, voice sleep rough and soft, his hand grabbing the one splayed on his skin to entwine their fingers. "You didn't know better, you're not a werewolf." It was all the explanation Stiles was going to get right now. Instead he kissed the fingers and closed his eyes. "Forget about it."

It was nothing but the truth. Then why did it hurt hearing those words? They were soft and quiet, but they also cut into Stiles. He wasn't a werewolf... he was a human and an emissary now. But it doesn't mean that he cannot understand if Derek tells him, right? He should be more than clear with it that Stiles wasn't a stupid human kid anymore. He's been through more than what the average human mind could endure and he managed to stay sane. To evolve. To keep bettering himself. He knew and understood many things that could lock people into a mental institute.

Yet he could tell Derek wasn't going to tell him about it. It made him feel... denied. Locked out of something he felt he should know about. But he just couldn't put a finger on that nagging feeling. Why was it there, making him press as close as he could, fingers lightly squeezing Derek's?

"You know those words don't work on me, right?" Forget about it... as if. Now these words only spurred him on to look into this too. Another topic to add to his research list. Damn, his emotions were still so jumbled up from everything that has happened that day. From the way that now he didn't have to reign in his feelings for Derek. The way the emissary bond was still slowly settling and getting stronger. Being this close to Derek was helping a bit, though. Stiles could feel the difference just from coming upstairs and practically molding himself around the other man. It made him able to breathe somewhat easier and his magic to calm down a bit. He was overtired both physically and mentally yet sleep was still playing hard to get.

"But I won't press it right now. I'll figure it out," he mumbled into Derek's neck. Because yes, he eventually always figured things out on his own too. It was one of his talents that made him useful in the past and in his work too. He was going to solve this riddle too. After all... since the Nogitsune, he was better with riddles too...

A deep sigh, mostly because Derek had to acknowledge what they both knew, probably the most annoying quality Stiles had. Also one to admire. "I know." It also had the added bonus of having the new bond-mate press even closer, draped around him from lips to toes, their similar length making it a perfect fit. The exhaustion was apparent, it made the limbs move restlessly against his with twitches, and the human was feeling warmer than usual. Maybe he was too tired to be able to. Derek certainly knew that feeling of lying in bed, limbs heavy while the mind was still thinking too much to be able to sleep. With the other's ADD, that head must be busy all the time without an off button.

"Stop thinking. You're thinking too loud." It made him grateful he wasn't able to read thoughts, they had some privacy with that. And Stiles no doubt had a mind so fast it would be hard to keep track of. The idea made him smile to himself, of throwing Stiles a mind-reader's way to completely throw them off their game and deal with a full-blown headache. Success guaranteed. It didn't solve the current problem though.

There was one way to offer that mind-distraction, but they were tired so all he really did was move his hips a little, to wriggle his ass against the crotch pressed against him. That should halt all thought proceedings with an alarming full stop.

Stiles' racing thoughts did get to a screeching halt from the wriggling of that firm ass against him. It also produced a slightly choked up sound from him as he closed his eyes for a few long moments.

"We're good, you and I, so don't worry about it so much." If anything, Derek was usually the one making stupid remarks which hurt others, and he didn't always apologize for it either. He was an asshole, it wasn't much of a secret anymore to those who put up with him. It shouldn't be to Stiles at all. "Get some sleep."

Finally, Stiles chuckled into Derek's neck, his whole body now able to relax knowing that they were good. He didn't know he was so tensed up until it left his muscles and he finally relaxed against Derek's back. It felt right. It felt how it was supposed to be between them. It made his magic slink back into the background.

"I would so explore that," here he lightly bucked his groin against Derek's ass "if we weren't both exhausted to the bone. Next time. I still owe you an orgasm," he kissed the steadily throbbing vein on the wolf's neck, chuckling low and sleepy.

Balance. It is all about maintaining balance, he thought. He shouldn't be surprised that it worked the other way around too. Namely, that Derek was able to calm him and his mind too. Not only with his words and actions, but with his closeness, warmth and scent too. He adjusted the pillow under his head in a way so that he could kiss then nuzzle the back of the wolf's neck, inhaling Derek with each breath he drew into his lungs. The promise of a good night sleep in this scent and without jerking awake from bad dreams seemed too good to pass on. His own hot breath puffed against said warm skin as Stiles sighed more relieved.

"I'll probably give it to you in the morning..." he said, words slowing down. Beth was still at Lydia and his dad was going to work early. He probably will notice the lack of a sleeping son on the couch, but he didn't care. He was where he wanted to be, holding whom he wanted more than anyone else in his life. "Good night until then, asshole," Stiles mumbled already half-asleep, his last thought being how much he was looking forward to another day all alone with his... m-

"Sleep, Stiles," was all Derek said when Stiles kept mentioning sex. Beth wasn't here so that meant they could actually sleep in and not worry about an alarm clock waking them up or a toddler running into the room to demand attention. Weekends when Lydia actually stuck to her custody agreement were kind of nice for that very reason, the ability to sleep in when needed. Of course, the promise of Stiles giving it to him in the morning was one making his stomach twitch pleasantly at the thought while the human, who was the asshole in this case, was already sleeping, his deepening breathing puffing against his neck.

Derek was a sucker for spooning in bed, he didn't really care who was doing it as long as they were plastered against one another, covered in the familiar scent. Despite being alpha, he had no hold ups about who got to be the big spoon because it said nothing about who the dominant was, only to those not secure in their masculinity or insecure about themselves. The Hale had nothing to prove to anybody anymore and to have his mate wrapped around him like this wasn't something he'd ever complain about.

For a while he remained awake, listening to the calming beating of the human's heart, which was, for once, not as frantic. To the deep breathing as it ghosted along his neck, the way the arm around him felt heavy and relaxed, the fingers loose in his hold. A soft snore broke through the room, incredibly loud since it was close to the wolf's ear but he didn't mind. It was cute in a way.

Of course, after all the excitement, Derek didn't manage to stay awake the whole night, he fell into a deep sleep as well, exhausted from the day too. And he not once let go of the hand he was holding so he could keep Stiles wrapped around him tightly for as long as it was possible. For once not plagued by nightmares, not waking up kicking and screaming, in fact he didn't wake up at all, not even when the sun started streaming through the curtains.


Stiles was in the woods, sunlight streaming down on him between the leaves of the trees. No... not sunlight but magic. Amber-colored. Warm and familiar. He felt warm and floating even if his bare feet were on the colorful leaves-covered ground. He was in his sleeping pants and T-shirt, face turned towards the light shining down on his motionless figure. It was quiet and peaceful. Something he hasn't felt since the Nemeton and the Nogitsune. It felt nice. He was safe. Calm. Protected.

It felt like nothing could come to this place. Nothing dark or threatening. This place was sacred. Somewhere where he could rest, connect with his magic and be alone when he needed to. But... this time he wasn't alone... He opened his eyes and turned around calmly and maybe with a little surprise on his face, the "sunlight" bending and moving with him when he took a tentative step.

He wasn't surprised by the presence of the Nemeton's stump anymore. It sometimes popped up here too so he had gotten used to it. Though... this time something was different about the way it felt to Stiles. Not threatening, but more... present. Whispering to him about something he couldn't make out.

The next moment a shadow moved behind it and a big black wolf with red eyes jumped on the stump, looking straight at him. There was a connection between the wolf and the ancient tree. Stiles could see it, the thin glowing ties. But it was alright and right now it didn't matter that much, because the wolf jumped off the stump and headed towards him. Stiles did the same, amber-colored magic swirling around his whole body by then as he dropped to his knees and opened his arms to wrap them around the furry body. The wolf made a pleased sound and let Stiles take his big head between his hands, putting their foreheads together.

"Derek..." he whispered on a content sigh, feeling whole again...

Stiles woke to the sound of his own voice. He was reluctant to let that picture and feeling go. It was too good. But he did wake up, realizing that he was rock-hard and probably has been rubbing himself against said werewolf's ass for a while now. Not being embarrassed by that at all, he couldn't stop a smile and his arm tightened around Derek's middle, lips finding a shoulder. What a sight and feeling to wake up to...

Somewhere deep down in his subconscious Derek heard his name being whispered and it dragged him away from sleeping. With a sigh, he became aware of the soft bed, and the body sprawled mostly over him. They had shifted a little, Derek was more on his belly and Stiles was half on top of him, pushing something very hard and awake against him in a slow grind. Probably for a while now if the state of his own body was something to go by. He was hard as well, it wasn't urgent though, it was one of those things men often woke up with so they had gotten used to it. The body would take longer for it to demand it needed some taking care of. It made morning sex all the better, slower and more intense.

"Hmmm," Derek tried, voice hoarse from sleep, brain not awake enough to form words because he wasn't that eloquent to begin with but he wasn't a morning person. Not before his first cup of coffee. The wolf did push his ass back against the firm hardness, feeling how it pressed against his cleft through their underwear. Maybe he just hadn't been a morning person because there had been the wrong way to wake him up. This was actually a method he didn't mind being woken up with it seemed, since he didn't feel grumpy, only sleepy and painfully horny all of a sudden. He smiled against the pillow, actively moving with Stiles now.

This was something they could do now. They could wake up together and have sex together whenever they felt like. He had a boyfriend now, one who was crazy, sure, but also crazy in love with him, that he didn't doubt. It was felt like a pulsing vein between them, glowing in that golden ember-like glow. Stiles' morning breath tickled his ear and he didn't mind that at all, they were not going to get up for stupid human habits when they were at the start of something way better.

That single pleased grunt from Derek sent a jolt of lust down to Stiles' groin, making his cock throb pleasantly. It felt like a permission to continue, so he gladly did. He had made a promise, after all... It also warmed him from head to toe knowing... feeling that Derek was up for it...

"Good morning..." Stiles purred into his ear, lightly nibbling on the lobe. It really was a good morning so far and Stiles was going to make it even better for both of them. As part of that plan, his hand moved down from the muscular stomach and disappeared under the waistband of the underwear. It was a bit trickier to take the warm erection in his had like this, but he managed and didn't change their position because he just couldn't stop rubbing himself against that fine ass. Oh he had plans with that for sure!

For now his still a bit sleepy but quickly firing up brain was more occupied with making his hand smear pre-cum down Derek's impressive cock to make it easier for Stiles to lazily jerk him. The other thing was the realization that this could be their every morning. Waking up together and have lazy morning sex if they had the time and were in the mood for it. And creating the mood to get intimate with each other only took a spark... That thought made Stiles smile to himself as his lips began tracing Derek's naked spine from his nape downwards. He treasured every moment, making his heart leap in his chest and his emotions swell. Derek Hale was finally his and he was going to...

A soft moan escaped him from that thought and he paused for a moment, pulling his hand back long enough to be able to pull his annoying T-shirt over his head. Skin... he needed more bare skin to touch. The cover was already hanging half-way off the bed when Stiles dragged their underwear off too and he continued jerking the hard cock and kissing Derek's back.

"I can smell myself on you..." he murmured a bit surprised, but didn't think too much about it. Instead his tongue traced the swirls of the Triskele, palm twisting at Derek's cock-tip in a sensual, slow motion.

Yeah, it was turning into a very good morning like this, and Derek didn't even feel one bit of guilt for turning into somebody who couldn't get enough of his partner, for enjoying having sex. Of course he knew his past had made him hesitant about it, made it that he had never been interested in chasing after lust. This was completely different. This was chasing after love. This was physically enjoying their bodies together, to constantly have mind and heart blown.

A little dazed, he twitched in the human's grip on his erection, not sure if he wanted to push forward or backwards because the stimulation was coming from both sides. So he settled for moving his hips a little, letting the hand continue the slow exploration of his shaft, his pre-come spreading around it with slick soft sounds. It was made even better when the remains of their clothes were removed. Now he had the human on top along the entire stretch of his body, naked, pushing against him, the hard erection smearing wetness on the small of his back.

"It's because of our bond. It'll stay." Or did he mean his semen from yesterday? Because Derek had showered and it shouldn't be something a human could pick up on anymore. Whatever the reason, it made him very pleased that even Stiles could smell it. It was a territorial kind of thing, important. Very arousing even. Moaning, he moved a little into the hand, but not in a hurry to put an end to it yet. The curl of pleasure in the groin area made his erection twitch. Stiles was completely in control now, and the Hale let him, if anything, his sleepy mind happily went with it, reveling in being taken care of like this. Knowing that the hardness he felt above him was something he was responsible for, he had made that happen.

It might make the bond flare more, even more than it already did, by both of them being claimed like this. They couldn't be more intimate as they were, they were going all the way in every way.

"Good. Because I really... really love smelling my scent on you," Stiles practically growled as he continued his kissing and licking and lightly nipping down on the muscular back, trying to continue jerking Derek. "I guess it's like this for you too just on a much more intense level?" he asked just as he licked the dimples by the small of the other man's back. His moves were still lazy, but at the same time his mind was getting flooded by lust quickly – especially now that his prize was literally in sight.

Maybe being a loup garou was infectious after all, with the way Stiles adapted to more wolf-like behavior the longer they were together. Derek had never been with other werewolves but there was something very pleasing about having somebody who understood him on the same level. The human couldn't growl like an actual werewolf but he certainly tried hard to make the same kind of noise deep in the back of his throat.

"Way more intense, emotional." Look at him being able to utter words despite what Stiles was doing to him! That was progress. He didn't have the same capability as Stiles did to be able to have a whole conversation when they were having sex, he couldn't even string along a full sentence anymore. There was a tongue close to where he wanted Stiles, he was more than a little distracted here!

"I can't wait to bury myself into you..." Stiles continued a bit more hoarsely, planting soft kisses on Derek's ass, his hand slowing down on his dick before letting it completely go. Instead Stiles' fingers grabbed the firm globes and pulled them apart. "... to mark you as mine here too..." he panted then leaned down, darting his tongue out to finally taste Derek the way he only dared in his most hidden fantasies about him.

Fuck, he tasted so good! Musky and salty, making him moan against the glistening pucker, drinking in the sight. "Gorgeous..." And with that, he began rimming Derek slowly but thoroughly, probing his tongue occasionally. He was taking his sweet time to make his wolf lose his mind just as much as Stiles did on the backseat. Luckily now they had a whole bed for themselves.

It was so very tempting to hear those words, to talk to Derek like that and conjure up images which made him leak into the bedding since Stiles had released him from jerking him off. A disappointed groan left him in protest at that, but it was soon replaced by a moan of approval when the hands found an equally good target and that tongue pressed right on the spot, making electricity dance along his spine.

Doing it and having it be done to you were two very different things. This was new to Derek too. He hadn't known how it felt to have that warm and wet muscle lick at his hole, coaching it to open up and push inside. It didn't go deep like fingers, it wasn't hard and firm like fingers, but it was the wetness of it that got to him, the feeling of being petted and caressed.

"Lube... nightstand," Stiles purred after a while, lightly biting Derek's ass to give them both a breather. For a brief moment Stiles wondered if the other knew exactly where he kept the bottle. After all, he's been occupying his room for months. Did he go through his things out of curiosity? Instead of getting angry even from the possibility, Stiles found it hot somehow.

To Derek everything was more sensitive than to humans, and being licked was definitely something he enjoyed. Not as much as the biting of his ass though. "Oh god," Derek cursed when his erection gave a twist and a bead of pre-come at the playful nip.

Derek rose up on his elbows to reach for the nightstand, fumbling around in the cabinet for the bottle. Yes, he had found the bottle when he had settled into the room and he had left it where it was. It had felt invasive to remove it. Even when it had created heated nights where he was imagining Stiles using that bottle on himself to orgasm in the same bed he was sleeping in. The bottle hadn't been used by him, he wasn't going to masturbate in the house of the sheriff and with a little girl in the guest room who could run in at any time and wonder about the smell. Yeah no. Finally getting the bottle, he tossed it on the bed, spreading his legs for Stiles as he arched his back.

Stiles chuckled satisfied both from how wrecked Derek sounded and from obeying him. So everything was much more sensitive to his heightened senses. No surprise there, Stiles guessed that it was the case during sex too, but he liked to have that little confirmation. It was something he will shamelessly use against Derek whenever he has the opportunity... Of course, he had noticed some of the wolf-like behavior and feelings he got, but it seemed Derek appreciated those and didn't think Stiles was trying to act like one on purpose. That would be a lie and he wasn't planning on lying to Derek. It was no use anyway – he was surrounded by living lie-detectors. Or at least was until he lived in Beacon Hills.

Aaand... Derek did it again. Just like last night. He only had to move his body a bit and Stiles' mind went numb and silent for a few moments. The sight was breathtaking. Derek always had a gorgeously sculpted body – with time and probably the alpha status it got even more impressive. Seeing it being offered like that was a serious turn on for Stiles. Derek was waiting on him to give him more. That kind of control always gave him a head rush, but not actually strong enough to make the room spin... He had to close his eyes and take a few deep breaths before leaning back down, eyes on the prize.

Then he abruptly froze and narrowed his eyes, thinking. He darted his tongue out again, flicking then pushing it into the wet entrance. Derek's reaction was just as intense as before and Stiles focused a bit more on the feelings that weren't his but came through their bond.

"Wait a second..." he raised onto his elbows and lightly slapped an ass cheek. "Did I just get another of your firsts?" he asked, reaching for the bottle on the bed to lube up his long fingers. "Is this your first rimming?" he asked, hoping that Derek was going to be able to answer him with more than a grunt while the eager tongue pushed in as far as it could go – and Stiles began swirling it, pushing and massaging with his excess spit slowly dribbling down on the back of Derek's balls.

It may be unconventional for an alpha being willing to submit, but he didn't care all that much about what was deemed normal. Control was important to him, it had been taken away so often that he kept making sure that whatever the situation was, he would have a choice, needed to have the upper hand. It wasn't because he was overly dominant, it wasn't about being the alpha in everything. The Hale really disliked being used, to be without freedom of choice, thrown into something he didn't want to and nobody cared. So he took to being in charge, even as beta or omega, lone wolfing it to never have an alpha who would make him do things, like Peter had done. However, it was exhausting to always be alone, to always do everything. So in bed, to be able to give it up for his partner, to for once not make the decisions, it was a rush. That and he really liked the feeling of being taken.

Stiles loved it, he always bossed Derek around, which resulted in their endless bickering and sometimes Derek let him. Because it was so very arousing to see the human take charge, something he had found out very quickly it seemed. They were both bossy switches, and it was working out perfectly like this. Almost perfectly. Because the younger man was too intelligent, picked up on way more than he should.

The tonguing stopped yet again and two things happened at once. One, the playful slap on his ass apparently was something he liked because there was this needy sound escaping from him in a rush, and two, he was asked a question which he had no answer to because...well, that tongue was shoved in deep and god, what was the question again? Stiles was going to be way smug about it, tallying up all the firsts he was going to take from Derek, and be all proud. Which was as cute as it was annoyingly frequent. He'd tell others, announce it because the human had no filters at all and figured anything worth fist pumping about deserved sharing. So as much as Derek wanted to give him the smugness, all that really came out was: "Ungh..." Probably an answer in itself, with the way he was getting close to an orgasm just from rimming. It was all very sensitive, okay?

"I take that as a 'yes' both to my question and the ass-slapping..." Stiles finally mumbled and switched his tongue out for a long middle-finger pressing slowly but steadily in. The sight in itself was wrecking him even more. Watching as the tight ring was slowly opening up, Derek's body accepting him. He couldn't stop himself – not that he wanted – from pressing a soft kiss against the slightly reddened ass cheek. "I appreciate it, you know... You giving me your firsts," he said a bit out of breath as he kept watching his finger start to slowly move in and out, the tip of his index-finger lightly teasing the rim. "I think I'm gonna make you come first before making love to you..." Stiles announced and started working his second finger in, pushing, stretching carefully as he reminded himself this was even more sensitive to Derek.

Despite the fact that the man beneath him was an alpha werewolf, Stiles took control with ease whenever it was handed to him. Be it in such situations or everyday ones. He loved to bicker with Derek, who could hold whole conversations just with his facial expressions. He loved to guess what he might tell him with those. But he loved it even more now that he could see him falling apart like this only from his tongue and touches.

He never saw Derek give this much control over him to anyone besides him and that in itself was a rush to Stiles too. To have such a deep trust from the Hale. He knew how hard it was for him to open up and trust someone. He felt honored, really. He meant it when he said that he appreciated what he was giving him. He's been waiting for a long time for them to get here and now here they were. The big man slightly trembling splayed out just for him, enjoying himself. Relaxing! If we don't count the sexual tension and anticipation.

Stiles loved this. Loved to be able to give something so rare and intimate to Derek. He enjoyed being in control too, but had no problem with switching to the other role in any given time. Maybe that's why they worked so well together. He knew when to take control and when to let Derek be the alpha he was. But now... now Stiles was the one pulling Derek's strings...

And with that he curled his fingers and started mercilessly rubbing Derek's sweet, sweet spot to make good on his promise – give him an explosion which would make him come and leave the wolf wanting more. Stiles was good with giving more. So good with that!

The fact that Derek had already been teetering on the edge made it impossible to not give Stiles exactly what he demanded. In fact, he had to hold it in to not come the moment that one single finger was pushed inside, proving that long fingers were perfect to use in many situations. He could feel the heated gaze watching him as the digit pushed in and out to make room for a second one and he trembled with how his body wanted to give into the pleasure building all over. The tight rim easily accepted them, because though werewolf healing kept him tight, it didn't mean it would always take forever to stretch him. Especially since he would heal right away anyways. The muscles gave in at the insistence of the hard fingers, testament of how his body was still in relaxed sleep mode.

Derek was literally opening up for his mate, letting him inside in every way possible, every nook and cranny explored without boundaries. His prostate was found and that was it for him, it was the point of no return. Two firm prods along the very sensitive bundle of flesh and he went taut, muscles tightening as warning before he soaked the bed with his come, clamping around the two digits like a vice for a moment. It had been like being shot. It didn't flare, it simply happened like an explosion. It left him panting and shaking, stretched out on the bed instead of hovering on elbows.

Not that the fingers disappeared, if anything, they were more insistent in stretching him, probably to coax out another erection. Was it possible for sex to feel too good? Because yeah, this was...

He moaned, completely relaxed and completely at Stiles' mercy. If he was planning on having any right now with all the love and lust they were feeling.

"Oh god..." Stiles moaned along with Derek, his own cock oozing pre-cum and throbbing from what he saw and felt through the bond. A rush of pure pleasure. It felt as if it was his own feeling. As if he had come with Derek too, but he didn't. He focused on that trembling hole, squirting more lube onto his fingers as now three were working on the blissed out man with excitingly wet sounds. As he kept fingering Derek, Stiles couldn't stop himself from moving up and plant kisses against the tattoo on the middle of the other's back. He's always felt drawn to it for some reason and now he didn't fight that feeling.

The fingers kept prodding, one more was added and Derek just… gave a long shuddering sigh, lying there and taking it, knowing it was preparation for more. Everything was sensitive, too much, so when the fingers slid along his prostate, he wasn't sure if he wanted to move away or back up to get more. The soft kisses made him want to stay so he instead canted his hips, raising his leg a little to allow for deeper exploration. The dirty slick sounds made his nostrils flare, taking in the scent of Stiles' arousal as well as his own seed’s. They were a furnace together, burning brightly and ever-consuming. His breathing came out in pants and rasps.

Wetness dripped along Derek’s hole when the fingers were gone, leaving him gaping and clenching. A huff of laughter came out because there was so, so much lube, inside him, around him, on Stiles. "You know that bottle isn't one serve." The snark came but it was a sheer distraction for what he knew was coming next.

Stiles’ breathing was just as ragged as his pair's, excitement and anticipation settling deeper into his bones too now as his patience was starting to wear thin. He felt his magic stirring, waking up, urging him to get inside for real. To finish what they've started the day before... Moving further up, he pressed his forehead against Derek's shoulder-blade, breathing shallow with that burning urgency in his blood and warming up body. He tried to reign it in, but couldn't.

So he stopped fighting it and gave in, not caring about a little bit awkward and sloppy job with the lube, but more is better than less, right?

"I know and…can't... wait... longer. I need to..." he stuttered, trailing off, rubbing his forehead against Derek, hot breath ghosting along the defined muscles. Stiles' hand was already on his literally dripping wet cock's base, rubbing the tip along the glistening crack until its tip got caught on the rim, tearing a wrecked sound out of the flushed detective from the sensation against his by then oversensitive tip.

"Yes," Derek breathed when Stiles said he couldn't wait longer, he had been ready since that first finger. The sweaty forehead pressed against his back along with the breaths ghosting along his skin made goose bumps break out all over, despite the thin sheen of sweat coating his olive skin. There was no offer of a condom and he didn't want one. They were disease free, Derek couldn't get sick and pregnancy wasn't a problem for them. Nothing was stopping them from barebacking for the full experience.

Something hard slid along his crack, coated them both in lube even more, going down until... it found the furrowed opening, settling there for a second before the erection breached him. Stiles finally pushed in on a long and loud moan, coming home... It punched in all the way, taking Derek’s breath away when he felt Stiles' pubes against him, it was all inside of him. The magic was licking along his spine, settling where the thick hardness was.

A soundless gasp left him, and he realized he was hard. Again.

Stiles wanted to say something, he really wanted to, but the second he was finally able to bottom out rendered him speechless and half-pushed him into a different dimension. He was very aware of everything Derek. And his body froze both to let him get used to his size and length, and for himself to catch his breath a bit. It was not just about the maddening hot tightness pulsing around him. It was also from the way his magic latched onto Derek, binding them closer together in a way Stiles couldn't really comprehend just tremble and sweat above Derek, fighting for air.

He had never felt anything like this with anyone. It was obviously not just about sex since it involved his Spark and the magic all werewolves carried in them. It was overwhelming, too much, but at the same time warm and satisfying too.

"My wolf..." Stiles laid his claim on Derek with those uttered echoing words and he felt his magic wrap around both of them, urging him again. So he began pulling out and rocking right back in. Slowly. Steadily. Sensually. Full of uncontrolled emotions. If his eyes were open, they would have been glowing in a bright golden light. That was nothing unusual by then. But this time, what neither of them noticed was the way the slightly moving tattoo on Stiles' back was glowing too, its golden roots slightly spreading down, going deeper.

Next part

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